Crafting Calm: DIY Rubber Band Fidgets for Sensorimotor Needs

In today's fast-paced world, moments of calm can be hard to come by. People need solutions that allow them to regulate their nervous systems on the go. Enter fidgets – simple tools that provide children and adults with an outlet to channel restless energy, reduce anxiety, and improve focus. But why settle for store-bought options when you can craft your own customized fidgets? In this guide, we'll explore the motor and sensory (sensorimotor) benefits of fidgeting, present interesting materials you can use, and provide step-by-step instructions for creating your own DIY rubber band fidgets.

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rubber band fidget assortment by Equip2Adapt

Rubber band fidget bracelets assortment worn on an arm.

Understanding the Benefits of Fidgets

Fidgeting isn't just a habit; it's a natural behavior with many benefits for mental and physical well-being. They give your hands something to do, while promoting concentration on the main task at hand, like listening in class or paying attention at a meeting. This can be especially helpful for people with ADHD or anxiety, who might feel the need to move around more. Fidgets can also be calming, kind of like a stress ball you can click, spin, or squish. These repetitive motions can help people who feel more relaxed and in control. Lastly, fidgets can improve sensory discrimination and fine motor skills through the many practice opportunities they provide.

Potential DIY Fidget Users

Fidgets are for all! Anyone can benefit from the positive benefits of fidgeting — whether it's to alleviate boredom, improve focus during tasks, or simply add a little relaxation to the day. While fidgets are for everyone, people with the following conditions may especially benefit from DIY fidget creations:

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Fidgets can be used to channel excess energy and improve focus.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Fidget can help with self-regulation and sensory processing, providing a sense of comfort and security.

  • Anxiety: Keeping fingers busy can be calming for an overactive nervous system.

  • Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD): Fidgets provide tactile, proprioceptive, visual, and auditory stimulation in an explorative manner, which can help build sensory processing skills.

  • Fine Motor Skills Deficits: Fidgets worn on the body (like the bracelets featured here!) can help with mass practice to improve fine motor skills. Worn on a necklace or bracelet, individuals can practice without fear of dropping items.

  • Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease: Fidgets can provide sensory stimulation and cognitive engagement for people living with dementia or Alzheimer's Disease, promoting feelings of comfort and reducing agitation.

Materials Needed for DIY Rubber Band Fidgets

Before gathering any materials for DIY fidget-making, consider the user’s needs. Are there material sensitivities or allergies to be aware of? Is the user at risk of trying to swallow any items? Are there any risks for skin abrasions? Safety is the number one concern. Chose materials that are age, interest, and development appropriate too. Gather input to see what the person likes or let them help you create their fidget. After these preparations, gather materials to embark on your DIY fidget-making journey. Here’s a suggested items list:

  1. Rubber Bands: The star of the show! Rubber bands serve as the foundation for DIY fidget designs featured on this post, offering stretchy, satisfying resistance.

  2. Pony Beads: These colorful beads provide tactile stimulation and can be threaded onto rubber bands for added texture.

  3. Textured Materials: Duct tape, shelf liner, and double-sided hook and loop tape offer a variety of textures to engage the senses.

  4. Metal Nuts: Metal nuts provide a weighted sensation, promoting a sense of stability while enhancing joint position sense.

  5. Lego Technic Parts: These versatile components add elements of texture and customization to your fidgets.

  6. Used Nerf Gun Bullets: Repurpose these soft projectiles for a unique tactile experience.

  7. Paperclips: Paperclips provide interesting textural elements.

DIY fidget materials by Equip2Adapt

Material options for DIY fidget creations

Crafting Your DIY Rubber Band Fidgets

1. DIY Rubber Band Fidget

Layering rubber bands can improve the fidgeting experience by increasing surface area to manipulate, enhancing textures, and providing more ways to interact with the band. Here are the basic instructions:

  • Bundle rubber bands into loops.

  • Attach rubber band loops onto the main band using smaller rubber bands. We attached them using square knots.

rubber band fidget by Equip2Adapt

Ultimate rubber band fidget for those who can’t get enough of rubber bands!

2. Paperclip Fidget Band

By attaching paperclips to the rubber band bracelet, users can play with movable elements that provide additional tactile stimulation and fidgeting options, allowing for a personalized sensory experience.

  • Attach paperclips of various sizes to your rubber band.

  • Secure sharp edges if needed with tape.

paper clip sensory band by Equip2Adapt

Paperclip sensory band

3. Pony Bead Fidget Band

Incorporating pony beads into a DIY rubber band fidget adds tactile and visual stimulation, enhancing the sensory experience. The textured surface of the beads provides a satisfying sensation when manipulated, while the variety of colors and shapes offers visual interest and customization options, making the fidget engaging and soothing for users of all ages.

  • Slide 2-4 pony beads onto small rubber bands.

  • Attach pony bead loops to the main band with smaller rubber bands. We attached them with square knots.

  • Experiment with different colors and patterns for personalized sensory stimulation.

pony bead fidget band by Equip2Adapt

Pony bead fidget band

4. Multiple Textures Sensory Band

Try using multiple textures in a DIY rubber band fidget for a diverse sensory experience. Shelf liner, duct tape, elastic bands, and hook and loop material are great options. Each texture provides unique tactile feedback, while the combination of materials adds variety to the fidget.

  • Cut strips of various materials and wrap them into small loops.

  • Attach the loops to the main rubber band, alternating textures for variety.

  • Trim excess material and round corners at needed to prevent any sharp ends.

fidget band with textures by Equip2Adapt

Multi-textured fidget band

5. Weighted Fidget Using Metal Hex Nuts

Incorporating metal nuts into a DIY rubber band fidget adds desired weight, depending on how many you add. The added heft promotes a sense of security and calmness for some people. Added weight also enhances sensory feedback by stimulating the muscles and joints, contributing to improved body awareness and regulation.

  • Cut a thick rubber band that’s long enough to go around the wrist.

  • Lace nuts of varying sizes and weights into the rubber band.

  • Knot the ends of the rubber band to keep the nuts in place.

  • Adjust the number and placement of nuts to achieve the desired level of weight and resistance.

weighted nuts rubber band fidget by Equip2Adapt

Weighted rubber band fidget band using metal nuts.

6. Lego Parts Fidget Band

Integrating Lego parts into a DIY rubber band fidget offers a customizable and interactive sensory experience. The modular nature of Lego allows users to easily adjust and assemble different configurations, promoting creativity and engagement. Additionally, the tactile feedback and fine motor manipulation required to attach and manipulate the pieces can enhance focus and provide calming sensory input.

  • Attach small rubber bands to Lego technic parts using a Lark’s head knot.

  • Using a square knot technique, attach Lego technic parts to the bracelet band.

  • Customize the bracelet with different Lego components for endless creative possibilities.

Lego technic parts fidget band by Equip2Adapt

Lego technic parts fidget band

7. Recycled Nerf Gun Bullets Fidget Band

Incorporating recycled foam Nerf gun bullets into a DIY rubber band fidget adds a soft and tactile element to the sensory experience. The pliable foam material provides gentle resistance when squeezed, promoting relaxation and stress relief, while the familiar and playful nature of Nerf gun bullets can make the fidget more appealing and enjoyable for users of all ages.

  • Cut nerf gun bullets into short pieces with a scissors.

  • Lace small rubber bands through the small foam pieces

  • Tie the small foam pieces onto the main rubber band in any design or configuration you desire.

nerf gun bullets fidget by Equip2Adapt

Recycled nerf gun bullets fidget band

Conclusion: Fidget Your Way to Focus and Relaxation

Fidgets are valuable tools for self-regulation, providing many sensorimotor benefits. They offer a way to channel excess energy, reduce stress, enhance concentration, and improve sensory and fine motor skills. With just a few simple materials and a dash of creativity, you can create custom DIY rubber band fidgets tailored to unique sensory preferences and needs. These homemade fidgets offer endless possibilities for self-expression and self-regulation. Embrace the therapeutic power of fidgeting and discover a newfound sense of calm in the palm of your hand.

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